Tuesday, 14 June 2011


We have had the structural checks completed. The GREAT news is that we have been cleared to return in to the buildings. The process from here is:

  • Clear all liquefaction from the school site (to be started at 7:30am on Wednesday morning)
  • Tidy all classrooms and work spaces
  • Check over the site to ensure all hazards are isolated
  • The teachers and support staff are returning tomorrow
  • Students will return on Thursday. It will be a normal school day (we start at 9:00am and finish at 2:45pm)
  • Parents are welcome to come to a short meeting at 9:00am in the Staffroom on Thursday
  • We have toilets operating for Rooms 1, 2, 7, 9 and 10 students. Students in Rooms 4-6 must still use port-a-loos. We have our own supply of certified drinking water.
  • We have running water. Students must wash hands and then use the hand sanitiser as well after toilet use and before eating
Students start on Thursday 16th June @ 9:00am

Update 14-06-2011

Well after yesterday... one thing is for certain. This is going to be the new NORMAL for many months to come. We were again very lucky that we sustained no injuries and all our students and staff were safe and sound. After the first initial quake we made the decision to close the school. It was felt there would be many aftershocks and we would be in and out of classrooms. This decision proved to be a good one. Thanks to all our community of parents who came as soon as they could to pick up their children. We hope you are all safe!

To update you on the current situation.
* We are awaiting the MOE guidelines about reopening.
* We have a property check today and will update you as soon as we know.
* If clearance is given, we will need a day to clean up the classrooms and prepare to re-open.
* All liquefaction has to be removed (this may take a day as well).

So, this means we may have teachers back on site tomorrow and the cleanup of the liquefaction on Tuesday/Wednesday. Hopefully we will be able to reopen on Thursday or Friday. Rest assured, we will do our very best.

The best part is our new sewerage system stood up well, we already have port-a-loos on site and clean drinking water. So we are better off than most schools!

You can call or txt me on my cell phone: 027 206 7602 or check this website for updates. I will make another posting by 7:00PM tonight (14th June).